Thursday 12 September 2024

Grave Sermon "Liturgical Perversions" EP Review

 With a welath of experience in a who's who list of Underground Irish Metal bands including Primal Dawn, Abaddon Incarnate,Ground Of Ruin,Fifth Dominion and legion Of Wolves the absolutely brutal Death Metal stalwarts Grave Sermon have just unleashed their absolutely sublime second EP Liturgical Perversions following on from 2019's Whitewashed Tomb this is a monstrous step up in quality,lyrically musically and productions wise and is a definite contender for EP of the year.


Blasting form the get go with the relentless This Mortal Disease this absolutely pummells like an unstoppable juggernaut,vocally it sounds similar to peak Deicide on top of that tasty modern production,the guitar show little to no let up with regard to the relentless speed, we get subtle hints of Immolation throughout Preordained the filthy rawness thoughout this adds a real nastiness to proceedings while the drumming and bass keep pushing that relentless blasting to another level.

 The further into this release the more nasty and malicious it gets especially with the vileness that is Vial Of Wrath ,the guitar tone throughout this is full of filthiness and rawness,vocals are delivered with an unbridled vitriol , closing track An Unfathomable Pact has a really epic vibe combined with intricate riffing and vocals are once again delivered with that trademark vitriol,although this is possibly the slowest track on the EP it shows the depthsmwillingness and experience to how much they can mix it up.


 Not only have Grave Sermon progressed from previous material they've delivered an absolute masterclass in how to deliver pummelling,relentless Death Metal,there's plenty of Old School nuances throughout this,long term fans of them will know that one of the most important themes they touch on is a condemnation of atrocities committed by organised religion and especially with the reign of terror for a prolonged period in Ireland, to close out this is a definite contender for EP of the year within the Irish Scene.

RATING: 9.5/10

Sunday 8 September 2024

Pincer Consortium "Geminus Schism" Album Review

  What started out as a merger, the two minds behind the bands Scald and qip set about forming the entity that is Pincer Consortium to create a black worded tapestry so complex and mind bending beyond human comprehension,the two minds would start laying the foundations in 2022 to create this Odyssean tome now almost 2 years later the monumental Geminus Schism is about to unleashed on the world,prepare to have your mind blown by this absolutely phenomenal offering.


  This conceptual tale of duality is commenced with beautifully crafted Alpha Omega Decay which contains alot of symphonic elements to give an atmopshere both harrowing and beautiful,the numerous vocal patterns really emphasis the concept brilliantly,musically this sets out to create some sort of storyboard in an attempt not to repeat each part this sets the tone perfectly to unleash the absolute cacophony of riffs that is Twin Galatic Tides the vocals deliver a crushing Death Metal style with plenty of industrial undertones to add plenty of dynamics to the track, there is little to no slowing down on this track just a relentless audio assualt of the senses, things start going into epic territories with the absolutely mind blowing Schizoid Rivalry/Double Occultation  this gradually builds to a monumental crescendo were you get an even better understanding of the duality concept, it feels like there two conflicting entities like a darkness and a light  or dual personalities comparing each other but almost sounding identical with the way they think,while the track is split in two to create an even more complex story with the concept.

  Continuing with the earth shattering Dual Shock Termination this is the shortest track on the album but makes for a really interesting listen the melodics combined with the relentless riffing give this an extremely varied soundscape ,we're treated to a more progessive and technical output throughout this also, the further you get into this album the more mind bending it becomes with the progressive elements getting pushed to another spectrum with Tandemic Dispersal,this is another one that keeps building and introducing different elements the further the song elapses,the lead guitar work throughout this shows how far into the stratosphere this coincept can go leaving nothing left untouched,a little after the half way mark of the track the speed of guitars,vocals get's progressively faster taking everything to an unfathomable plateau of  consciousness.

  Getting to the penultimate atges of this opus with the absolute mindfuck that is Spectral Dyad it becomes apartment that this dual entitiy/presence has gone beyond the pale of sanity/existence and into some other alternate afterworld/universe asking the question has the entity become one being created through the dual entities,the relentelessness throughout this at time feels suffocatingly heavy while also going even further into progressive passages,especially the part with the orchestral keys, now to the concluding part of this phenomenal opus with the brilliant Bi-Fold Conclusion again this starts out pretty slow with an extemely haunting foreboding bass line pushing a really dark atmopshere to the fore until it gradually builds to a complete explosion of auditory assualt on the senses, the progressiveness goes into levels of mind boggling proportions epicness making you feel that this storied concept may or may not have some sort of conclusion and is left open to what the mind can comprehend.

  Pincer Consortium set out to create a really ambitious and  mind bending concept with Geminus Schism that will leave you speechless and constantly questioning is this real or just some surreal dream taking place in some alternate reality, the whole idea of the duality behind this is to try to put some sort of balance between dark and light,good or evil etc while creating a soundscape that is full of beauty,darkness,light,hope and despair,at times this album may be hard to take in for some but you will come back for even more and embrace the absolute madness that lies within.



Monday 2 September 2024

Horrenda "Think On Your Sins" EP Review

  From starting out as a solo project,one of the most intense live bands within the irish Metal Horrenda have become an absolute force of nature over their 10+ years of existence,over the years founding member Darragh "Outis" O'Connor has recruited members to develop a sound so devastating and evil     combining elements of DSBM & Second Wave of Black Metal all layered with themes of Irish History, Horror and other topics ,the last five years have seen the band really up the quality of their material which has culminated in the release of their phenomenal new EP Think On Your Sins.


  The opening intro Canto 1:Descent  creates an anticipation and build for the madness and melancholy that's about to be unleashed while combining nice intricate and short guitar parts,it has a really haunting atmosphere that gets inside your head, we treated to some nasty riffage on the brilliant Come And See this track touches on the theme of one of the most tragic parts of our history The Great Famine of 1847 along with the filthy riffs there's also an element of melancholy and treachery(the music video will give you better idea of this), the haunting dark atmosphere of Nun's Tears really stands out as one of my favourite Horrenda tracks not only from this EP but ever,the vocal delivery throughout this is so intense and it almost feels like there's an element of sympathy to how they're executed.


 Possibly the most relentless track on this release is the excellent Handprints along with having peak Second Wave BM homages throughout this there's a theme of ancestry and leaving an undeniable mark on our legacy and that of our ancestors creating some sort of dual effect of whether it's a good or bad thing, closing track and title track Think On Your Sins introduces some new elements i've never heard this band utilise which is always a good thing to see happen,it's like they've delved into Atmospheric Black Metal and Post Black Metal territories while still maintaining all the trademarks we enjoy about Horrenda,this is definitely  a huge step up from previous material and long may it continue.

 This band continue to evolve their sound and have become a truly phenomenal force of nature, with Think on Your Sins they've really smashed through the proverbial glass ceiling and then some,without doubt this is very likely to be making my EP of the year list, all the hard work they've put in throughout the years is starting to reap the reward and long may it continue.

RATING: 9/10
