Friday 1 March 2024

Nebularis "Exodus: Shattered Earth Saga Pt.1" Album Review

   The absolutely fantastic Progressive Metal act Nebularis set out to create a sci-fi legacy that comes from another galaxy in time and space,what founding member and the bands Guitarist/Synth player Mo Sheerin set out to do started coming to fruition just over a year ago were the band slowly treated us to something new.fresh and interesting,peoples interested was peaked when the band played their first live shows during Metal 2 The Masses Ireland were they would eventually make it to the final,late last year they would deliver a stellar set at the hugely popular Siege Of Limerick,the culmination and results of all this would see the release of their mind blowing debut album Exodus:Shattered Earth Saga Pt.1 just last week let's dissect the finer details of this magnificent opus.

  Straight away the tone and atmosphere is set for what's to come with the beautifully crafted synth/keyboard intro  Tellurian this feels like something from a movie score and gives the atmosphere if soemthing tragic/disastrous is about to take place, laucnhing into the sublime Cataclysm judging by the song title and lyrics you know something tragic has happened and a group of people have to leave their world behind and find some new habitat,the vocal delivery from Hytham Martin is awe-inspiring and soars beyond out planetary existence.

  Aurelia is another short interlude/passage that has an eerily oceanic feeling like your submerged beneath the surface which leads us into the mind blowing offering of Subnautica the question of making the same mistakes as before are permeating throughout this track,the guitar work on this is outworldly and the vocals reach another level of quality,the drumming by Damian Dziennik is truly amazing and adds another dimension to the overall story within this release.

  We're treated to the absolutely brilliant ballad-like Voyager the combo of  Keys/Synth with the guitar and bass are seamless and create a really beautiful galactic atmosphere, we also treated to some samples of Carl Sagan another part of the storyboard becomes prevelent when the people think they've found new place within the universe, Exodus is another one of these short interludes that are used to create an eery atmosphere and create another part of the storyboard,this one sound like some lost sattelite signal maybe yet another place for the people to explore.

   Time to delve into something that bit more darker with Holocene the aggression that unfolds in this track is another dimension to this bands overall sound,while still maintaining the awe-inspiring vocal delivery and outworldly guitar work the added heaviness creates a darker atmosphere to proceedings, if you think you've heard every element of this band thus far wait til you get to the closing track Critias prepare to have another curveball with the added element of the beautiful backing vocals courtesy of Mo Sheerin,also this track has possibly one of the most awe-inspiring lead guitar outros i've heard in a really long time,have to mention this is the part of the story where the people seem to have found their way,maybe we'll find out in Pt.2 of this magnificent opus.


If Shattered Earth Saga is the beginning of some epic story/adventure we're definitely going to be getting something truly amazing from band who have constructed a story full of hope,struggle,despair within another planetary dimension,it's like the took little sections from War Of The Worlds, Aliens,The Abyss and other sci-fi masterpieces and combined it with Carl Sagan's evolutionary thoughts thus making a universe full of mystery, it likes they've sucked us into some story were we want to know what happens,the potential within this part of the opus is too good not to ignore and a whole new standard has been set and it's truly sublime.

RATING: 9.5/10


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