Friday 18 October 2024

Psychotic Outsider "6" EP Review


Galway Based Hardcore/Metal Fusion outfit Psychotic Outsider have been crafting their sound and delivery since 2018 despite a few line up changes they have always shown a willingness to experiment with different genres,combining a raw unfiltered punk attitude all layered on top of an extremely dark and menacing sound roooted in Metal,this slow process shows some of their best material on the excellent new EP aptly titled 6 ,lets explore what's in store from this very interesting offering.

 Straight away they delve into a very visceral,raw and filthy passages with opening track Crazy Little Things instantly you can feel an aggressive punk style delivery with the vocals combining a rawness and excellent structure with the music whichadds a real nasty atmopshere,this one shows no let up from start to finish, continuing with another relentless passage on Till We Decay this really packs a punch and delivers yet more quality riffing and the vocal delivery is a slight bit rawer ,also this has a more punky fell to the way it's structured showing the aforementioned willingness to explore a different approach.

  The experimentation comes to fruition on the dark and foreboding title track 6 the vocals become a bit deranged and we're also treated to a really sludgy appraoch that has a really murky atmopshere with that punky rawness, this is a side of the band i've not heard before so doing something new is something i always like to see bands attempting and i will add it's really refreshing to hear, everything we've heard so far gets combined on the brilliant Drift ,the murky atmoosphere added to the sludginess is mixed seamlessly and with a razor sharp precision.

  The excellent closing track Amen(Featuring Greg "Zielak" Zielinski) is a really killer instrumental track that really explores numerous different soundscapes,the lead guitar throughout this iss brilliantly executed combine those lush sound basslines and slow riffing and you have a really epicly stuructured track that has really memorable passages throughout,it's a more then fitting way to close out this really excellent and interesting opus.

 Not only those this EP show a new an improved element to Psychotic Outsider,they've developed part of the sound that was already prevelent from day one and further explored a more experimental appraoch bringing on a new era were they've really found their true sound,although i have mentioned about the rawness and aggression rooted in societal decline there is an empathetic element to some of the lyrical content that touches on mental health and life struggles making this an passage that covers alot of relatable topic and long may it continue.

RATING: 8/10

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