Friday 18 October 2024

Snowblind "Shapes In The Trees" EP Review


    Over a decade ago a potentially sublime band would come to fruition,this very band is the brilliant Progressive Metal trio Snowblind their early sound was a mix of Thrash Metal in the vein of Megadeth with subtle progreesive leanings in the mould of Rush,these two influences still hold true to this day but their sound has become more expansive and musically they've matured one thousand fold, although their last release was a really long nine years ago,they would still play live pretty regularly including at the renowned Bloodstock Festival in the UK, it will all become apparent why they took so long to bring out the absolutely phenomenal new EP Shapes In The Trees.

  Kicking it off with the infinitely epic title track Shapes In The Trees nothing will prepare you for the absolutely mental time signatures and genre defying gymnastics throughout this, the start sounds similar to something Rush would do then they launch into a really heavy passage that harks back to their early thrash influences,a new element they've introduced which is a huge but welcome curveball is the twin Vocals from Ian McKeon( like a mix of Di'Anno & Geddy Lee) & Sean Boland which sees them switching between really aggressive and soaring vocals to a more Blues/Rock Based Vocal delivery that shows an ode to Thin Lizzy or Budgie,also there's some sort of Psychedelic element to the lyrical and structure of the song which can be best described as like some Hullucinogenic dream were you go between been relaxed and like been lost in some nightmarish dream that you can't escape,the twin vocals help to portray this brilliantly, we treated to some real old school rock tendnecies on Barrow Wight that also have subtle sludge hints similar to mid era Mastodon, there's also plenty of massive homages to Thin Lizzy & Gary Moore with the absolutely killer Guitar work,already two song in you can feel yourself getting lost in the sheer volume of all that is going on,at times it's just so immersive and mind boggling you just need to let it all sink in.



The blues tinged elements of Burning Red are totally mesmerizing and hint at more old school rock escapades which sound both retro and modern at the same time,everything throughout this oozes quality,the melody and harmonies combined with the sublime drumming of Jake McCarthy drive this in a different territory then the previous tracks,it's almost like some love story gone wrong were you've been through a lot of heartache and  struggle, The shortest and catchiest song on the EP is the brilliant groove laden Primal Spy this has a  real air of confidence and swagger about it with the delivery of the vocals and music, again this one owes an ode to old school rock, closing track Go Forth has a great combo of Traditional Heavy Metal reminiscent of early Iron Maiden,especially with McKeon's vocal delivery,also the guitar harmonies hint at this as well, this gives the overall product a really cool nostalgic vibe while still having plenty of modern elements for your listening pleasure.



  Despite such a long period between releases Snowblind really have come of age and delivered an absolutely mind blowing masterpiece of epic proportions, anyone who was doubting they'd capture the essence of what they were doing 8/9 years ago will be hugely mistaken this just renders everything they've done before almost obsolete,that's not a condemnation of their earlier work but this release is flawless to me,everytime i listen  to it on i discover something new ,this is definitely a true contender for EP of the year within the Irish Rock & Metal Scene and verifies why Snowblind have always being highly thought of,long may it continue for years to come.


Psychotic Outsider "6" EP Review


Galway Based Hardcore/Metal Fusion outfit Psychotic Outsider have been crafting their sound and delivery since 2018 despite a few line up changes they have always shown a willingness to experiment with different genres,combining a raw unfiltered punk attitude all layered on top of an extremely dark and menacing sound roooted in Metal,this slow process shows some of their best material on the excellent new EP aptly titled 6 ,lets explore what's in store from this very interesting offering.

 Straight away they delve into a very visceral,raw and filthy passages with opening track Crazy Little Things instantly you can feel an aggressive punk style delivery with the vocals combining a rawness and excellent structure with the music whichadds a real nasty atmopshere,this one shows no let up from start to finish, continuing with another relentless passage on Till We Decay this really packs a punch and delivers yet more quality riffing and the vocal delivery is a slight bit rawer ,also this has a more punky fell to the way it's structured showing the aforementioned willingness to explore a different approach.

  The experimentation comes to fruition on the dark and foreboding title track 6 the vocals become a bit deranged and we're also treated to a really sludgy appraoch that has a really murky atmopshere with that punky rawness, this is a side of the band i've not heard before so doing something new is something i always like to see bands attempting and i will add it's really refreshing to hear, everything we've heard so far gets combined on the brilliant Drift ,the murky atmoosphere added to the sludginess is mixed seamlessly and with a razor sharp precision.

  The excellent closing track Amen(Featuring Greg "Zielak" Zielinski) is a really killer instrumental track that really explores numerous different soundscapes,the lead guitar throughout this iss brilliantly executed combine those lush sound basslines and slow riffing and you have a really epicly stuructured track that has really memorable passages throughout,it's a more then fitting way to close out this really excellent and interesting opus.

 Not only those this EP show a new an improved element to Psychotic Outsider,they've developed part of the sound that was already prevelent from day one and further explored a more experimental appraoch bringing on a new era were they've really found their true sound,although i have mentioned about the rawness and aggression rooted in societal decline there is an empathetic element to some of the lyrical content that touches on mental health and life struggles making this an passage that covers alot of relatable topic and long may it continue.

RATING: 8/10

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Banished From Eden "Primordial Salvation" EP Review


   Formed around 2022 the excellent Thrash/Heavy Metal Riff Machine Banished From Eden have being working silently in the shadows and have unleashed an absolutely quality debut EP in the guise of Primordial Salvation, hailing from the hotbed for metal Limerick,the band leave no cross unturned on this release,lets delve into the finer details of this short but excellent offering.

  Commencing with the absolute ripper of a tune From The Light this combines a cacophony of riffs rooted in Thrash Metal with plenty of groove and Tradiitonal Heavy Metal influences runnig thtoughout,the driving Rhytmn section is ridiculously heavy which points to a nice bit of flexibility to their sound, the relentless riff gymnastics that is As It Stands hits with a heaviness and aggression that packs a serious knockout blow to the senses,can picture plenty of fist pumping and headbanging galore with this,closing track What A Waste leans into a more slower apparoach and dark foreboding atmopshere for the better part of half the song ,then a flurry of melodic harmonies combined with a good pace and passionate vocal delivery give another idea of what the band are setting out to achieve with future material.


 Primordial Salvation is an excellent debut from the band,although they're at the beginning of their journey you can hear what they're setting out to do,presenting a stellar mix of Old School Heavy Metal,Thrash Metal with plenty of Groove and riffs for fucking days,this is a more then memorable offering and is the start of  something that will garner plenty of interest

RATING: 8/10


Monday 14 October 2024

Soverna "What We've Lost" EP Review

    Located in th South East of Ireland Wexford Grunge/Progressive Alt Rock outfit Soverna are a relatively new band although i do think members have a wealth of experience in previous acts throughout the year, recently they released their excellent debut EP What We've Lost let's dissect the finer details of this brilliant offering.

 The dream-like sequence at the start of Catacomb creates a nice atmosphere before launching head-on into awe-inspiring vocal delivery combined with progessively tinged riffing all layered on a driving rhythmic passage, the brilliant P15  has a great mix of subtle Nirvana and Stone Temple Pilots homages layered with a taut melancholic vibe.

  Things become a bit more progressive on Boundary a quality combo of heartfelt vocal delivery with a huge sounding rhytmn section showing all the true capabilities this band can deliver, we're treated to some Tool-esque meanderings on the phenomenal Sky Parlour  at times the vocal delivery sounds similar to Kurt Cobain,closing track Merrow  really goes into epic Progressive Rock territory combining a really epic atmosphere combined with brilliantly executed soaring guitar riffs,once again this adds another element to show the stellar musicianship this act are capable of and a fitting way to end this excellent debut.

 Definitely going to be keeping a close watch on Soverna in the future,this is a great launching pad for them to deliver even more quality output,if you like 90's Grunge in the vein of Nirvana,Alice In Chains etc also combine it with elements of Tool and Stone Temple Pilots you have a fantastic recipe that will grab your attention from start to finish.

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Saint Slaughter "The Secret Speech" Album Review

  Drawing influence form old school Thrash Metal luminaries such as Annihilator,Overkill and Exodus the excellent Dublin Thrashers Saint Slaughter have been unleashing stellar live shows for the best part of a decade,following on from their debut EP Intravenosa the band have made a concise effort to up the standard of songwriting and overall prodcution and the results can be heard on their brilliant debut album The Secret Speech, this is a selection of songs written over their storied decade in existence,let's get into the guts of this brilliant offering.


  Launching into the superb White Death which is a lethal cacophony of riffs combined with searing vocals layered on a heavy groove laden rhytmn section a great way to open the proceedings that will follow, Led To Treason delivers pummelling drumming with a relentless vocal delivery, the groove points to a homage to Exodus ,the riffing throughout this is executed with razor sharp precision, the pace is upped on the very raw and aggressive Lambs To The Slaughter  the guitars constantly rip with a relentlessness that assaults the senses with face melting heaviness.

 Things start to get even heavier on Inglorious this flows along seamlessly combining heavy riffing with a plenty of killer drumming that gradually builds the tempo with maximum effect and precision,the lead in this is absolutely divine and vocally this really packs a punch, Guitarist Jeff Hernandez takes over vocal duties on the sublime Resist The System  this has a real confident air about the way it flows with relentless groove and an absolute insane volume of riffs, possibly one of the heaviest offering on the album is the brilliant Waltz with The Devil this one is yet another ode to Exodus, at times this hits like a ton of bricks with the bass and drums driving the rhytnm section into really heavy passages, this one also shows the vocal range Eoin Clarke is capable of hitting.


  Darkness and a haunting atmopshere prevail on the brilliant Deep In Shadows going by lyrical content this is about Jack The Ripper which adds a slightly scarier theme to the bands overall sound, the mid paced tempo throughout this shows how this band are able to deliver an eeriness which shows that they can mix it up brilliantly, that gorgeous bass intro at the start of Thrasher Crash sets up a mind boggling amount of riffs for the rest of the track,there's also a really fun element running throughout,lyrically i think this is about hanging with your friends ,getting wasted drunk with not a care in the world of the consquences that await the following day,as mentioned this is full on riff gymnastics that will really grab your undivided attention, yet another song about having fun is the relentless We Were Born ,this one is a real old school party thrash Anthem with a chorus that has a proper sing-a-long element about it, cloisng track Ride Like Hell is absolutely rifftastic and yet again has a really catchy and fun element that will have you haedbanging from start to finish,possibly the best way to close out this really excellent album.


 Even though alot of these songs were written a good few years ago they have a killer mix of old and modern Thrash Metal elements that makes this album a really worthwhile listen,you can expect everything from topics like partying ,growing up,having fun and real life issues,the musicianship is absolutely exemplary and is a testament to how far this band have grown in the last decade,this is a must listen for fans of Old School Thrash Metal with a modern twist all done with a DIY ethos.

 RATING: 8/10


Thursday 12 September 2024

Grave Sermon "Liturgical Perversions" EP Review

 With a welath of experience in a who's who list of Underground Irish Metal bands including Primal Dawn, Abaddon Incarnate,Ground Of Ruin,Fifth Dominion and legion Of Wolves the absolutely brutal Death Metal stalwarts Grave Sermon have just unleashed their absolutely sublime second EP Liturgical Perversions following on from 2019's Whitewashed Tomb this is a monstrous step up in quality,lyrically musically and productions wise and is a definite contender for EP of the year.


Blasting form the get go with the relentless This Mortal Disease this absolutely pummells like an unstoppable juggernaut,vocally it sounds similar to peak Deicide on top of that tasty modern production,the guitar show little to no let up with regard to the relentless speed, we get subtle hints of Immolation throughout Preordained the filthy rawness thoughout this adds a real nastiness to proceedings while the drumming and bass keep pushing that relentless blasting to another level.

 The further into this release the more nasty and malicious it gets especially with the vileness that is Vial Of Wrath ,the guitar tone throughout this is full of filthiness and rawness,vocals are delivered with an unbridled vitriol , closing track An Unfathomable Pact has a really epic vibe combined with intricate riffing and vocals are once again delivered with that trademark vitriol,although this is possibly the slowest track on the EP it shows the depthsmwillingness and experience to how much they can mix it up.


 Not only have Grave Sermon progressed from previous material they've delivered an absolute masterclass in how to deliver pummelling,relentless Death Metal,there's plenty of Old School nuances throughout this,long term fans of them will know that one of the most important themes they touch on is a condemnation of atrocities committed by organised religion and especially with the reign of terror for a prolonged period in Ireland, to close out this is a definite contender for EP of the year within the Irish Scene.

RATING: 9.5/10

Sunday 8 September 2024

Pincer Consortium "Geminus Schism" Album Review

  What started out as a merger, the two minds behind the bands Scald and qip set about forming the entity that is Pincer Consortium to create a black worded tapestry so complex and mind bending beyond human comprehension,the two minds would start laying the foundations in 2022 to create this Odyssean tome now almost 2 years later the monumental Geminus Schism is about to unleashed on the world,prepare to have your mind blown by this absolutely phenomenal offering.


  This conceptual tale of duality is commenced with beautifully crafted Alpha Omega Decay which contains alot of symphonic elements to give an atmopshere both harrowing and beautiful,the numerous vocal patterns really emphasis the concept brilliantly,musically this sets out to create some sort of storyboard in an attempt not to repeat each part this sets the tone perfectly to unleash the absolute cacophony of riffs that is Twin Galatic Tides the vocals deliver a crushing Death Metal style with plenty of industrial undertones to add plenty of dynamics to the track, there is little to no slowing down on this track just a relentless audio assualt of the senses, things start going into epic territories with the absolutely mind blowing Schizoid Rivalry/Double Occultation  this gradually builds to a monumental crescendo were you get an even better understanding of the duality concept, it feels like there two conflicting entities like a darkness and a light  or dual personalities comparing each other but almost sounding identical with the way they think,while the track is split in two to create an even more complex story with the concept.

  Continuing with the earth shattering Dual Shock Termination this is the shortest track on the album but makes for a really interesting listen the melodics combined with the relentless riffing give this an extremely varied soundscape ,we're treated to a more progessive and technical output throughout this also, the further you get into this album the more mind bending it becomes with the progressive elements getting pushed to another spectrum with Tandemic Dispersal,this is another one that keeps building and introducing different elements the further the song elapses,the lead guitar work throughout this shows how far into the stratosphere this coincept can go leaving nothing left untouched,a little after the half way mark of the track the speed of guitars,vocals get's progressively faster taking everything to an unfathomable plateau of  consciousness.

  Getting to the penultimate atges of this opus with the absolute mindfuck that is Spectral Dyad it becomes apartment that this dual entitiy/presence has gone beyond the pale of sanity/existence and into some other alternate afterworld/universe asking the question has the entity become one being created through the dual entities,the relentelessness throughout this at time feels suffocatingly heavy while also going even further into progressive passages,especially the part with the orchestral keys, now to the concluding part of this phenomenal opus with the brilliant Bi-Fold Conclusion again this starts out pretty slow with an extemely haunting foreboding bass line pushing a really dark atmopshere to the fore until it gradually builds to a complete explosion of auditory assualt on the senses, the progressiveness goes into levels of mind boggling proportions epicness making you feel that this storied concept may or may not have some sort of conclusion and is left open to what the mind can comprehend.

  Pincer Consortium set out to create a really ambitious and  mind bending concept with Geminus Schism that will leave you speechless and constantly questioning is this real or just some surreal dream taking place in some alternate reality, the whole idea of the duality behind this is to try to put some sort of balance between dark and light,good or evil etc while creating a soundscape that is full of beauty,darkness,light,hope and despair,at times this album may be hard to take in for some but you will come back for even more and embrace the absolute madness that lies within.



Monday 2 September 2024

Horrenda "Think On Your Sins" EP Review

  From starting out as a solo project,one of the most intense live bands within the irish Metal Horrenda have become an absolute force of nature over their 10+ years of existence,over the years founding member Darragh "Outis" O'Connor has recruited members to develop a sound so devastating and evil     combining elements of DSBM & Second Wave of Black Metal all layered with themes of Irish History, Horror and other topics ,the last five years have seen the band really up the quality of their material which has culminated in the release of their phenomenal new EP Think On Your Sins.


  The opening intro Canto 1:Descent  creates an anticipation and build for the madness and melancholy that's about to be unleashed while combining nice intricate and short guitar parts,it has a really haunting atmosphere that gets inside your head, we treated to some nasty riffage on the brilliant Come And See this track touches on the theme of one of the most tragic parts of our history The Great Famine of 1847 along with the filthy riffs there's also an element of melancholy and treachery(the music video will give you better idea of this), the haunting dark atmosphere of Nun's Tears really stands out as one of my favourite Horrenda tracks not only from this EP but ever,the vocal delivery throughout this is so intense and it almost feels like there's an element of sympathy to how they're executed.


 Possibly the most relentless track on this release is the excellent Handprints along with having peak Second Wave BM homages throughout this there's a theme of ancestry and leaving an undeniable mark on our legacy and that of our ancestors creating some sort of dual effect of whether it's a good or bad thing, closing track and title track Think On Your Sins introduces some new elements i've never heard this band utilise which is always a good thing to see happen,it's like they've delved into Atmospheric Black Metal and Post Black Metal territories while still maintaining all the trademarks we enjoy about Horrenda,this is definitely  a huge step up from previous material and long may it continue.

 This band continue to evolve their sound and have become a truly phenomenal force of nature, with Think on Your Sins they've really smashed through the proverbial glass ceiling and then some,without doubt this is very likely to be making my EP of the year list, all the hard work they've put in throughout the years is starting to reap the reward and long may it continue.

RATING: 9/10


Saturday 13 July 2024

Astralnaut "Astralnaut" Album Review

    Veterans of the Irish scene Astralnaut took an extended hiatus aorund the later stages of 2014 and alot of folk have been wondering since what had become of the band,well a few line up alterations and dilligently working behind the scenes has resulted in an absolutely stellar release with their self titled debut album Astralnaut,an absolute tour de force of groove heaviness and grit is what we've been treated to,the old saying good things come to those who wait rings true with this offering,let's dissect the finer points of this brilliant album.

   The album kicks off in fine style with the launch single Tipping Point with it's slow paced groove that instantly pulls you in and doesn't let go,the gritty vocal delivery almost has a subtle blues element to it hinting at a southern rock vibe, Adrift flows with soaring vocals and a crushing groove that seamlessly blends with the intrciate rhytmns and the background female vocals which adds a fantastic atmosphere to the track, the dark and foreboding sludginess of Plebicide wraps a cloak of melancholy until launching into some some soaring lead guitar work, the building atmosphere on Humanity shows a real pomp and confidence from a band that knows how to deliver some thought provoking lyrics with tasty goroves of heaviness, the spoken word section creates a somewhat dytopian feel to the song yet another element the band explore with brilliant aplomb.


   Things get a bit more thought provoking with the brilliant The Veil there's something mysterious about the way the lyrics are delivered and then you add the excellent riffage which have a really fantastic way of grabbing your undivided attention,the sole vocal sections in this is another element that shows the full repotoire of what this band are capable of, White Feather introduces a really epic structure to the overall product,those gritty vocals really go into overdrive creating some truly crushing passages until about half way through the track the pace begins to speed up creating a wall of crushing heaviness that has an almost Sabbath-esque feel to it, did i mention epicness,yes there's plenty of that afoot on the ultra heavy Husk which weaves those trademark vocals with sludgy grooves, another thing not mentioned is the drumming is exemeplary throughout and has some subtle homages to Bill Ward with it's wholt rhytmic and tribal feel,the leads add to the epic output and create a really awe-inspiring feeling to the track.



  The darkness becomes even more prevelent on the instrumental The Confederate Pt1 which opens up with some brilliant lead guitar layered on top of  some intricate harmonies, returning to the crushing grooves with The Confederate Pt2 once again this delivers a consistent flow of keeping things interesting while maintaining all those trademarks elements we've come accustomed to hearing,closing track Blood Sacrifice flows with a mid paced groove that will leave you wanting even more,this track really shows every element the band have delivered throughout this release and as previously said this band know how to deliver memorable tunes while keeping your attention focused on all their qualities.

  Although we waited the better part of a decade for this album Astralnaut have delivered a really quality album and it was like they were never away,hopefully we get more of the same in the not too distant future, as previously said good things come to those who wait,this is very much the case with this album.

RATING: 8/10


Friday 5 July 2024

Partholon "The Ocean Pours In" Album Review

    Almost 8 years since the brilliant Cork outfit Partholon released their excellent debut album Follow Me Through Body and although this may slow momentum with the large majority of bands,this is not the case with Partholon and their highly anticipated second album The Ocean Pours In ,the old saying comes to mind good things come to those who wait,confirming what alot of people were expecting we have a bonafide masterpiece to delve into and explore to the deepest depth that our consciousness can fathom.

  All the tension begins to release when those first notes kick in on Skin Of The Beast the beautifully crafted harmonies during the intro create a dark atmopshere that wraps onto your consciousness and won't let go,the presence of two alternating vocals gives off a mirroring/echo element that creates some sort of dual entities that have the same thoughts. the tensely built aura of Gathered In Circles is both haunting and full of tautly executed dark melodies,there's the added element within the track that makes you feel like there's a location or place of some massive significance been referenced throughout.

  This album gradually builds with each track which leads us into the phenomenal Pillars which introduces us to a crushing rhytmn section layered with intermittent lead sections,there's a part with soaring and passionate vocals that are layered above the music giving a whole new atmosphere to the overall product, the atmopshere created at the start of Light Chambers has a really dreamy element which eventually builds with plenty of twists and turns until about half way through a crushing rhytmn section with layered Lead Guitar sections which pummel with a relentlessness that is awe inspiring and will leave you speechless.


   The atmosphere is taken to a level and height beyond the stratosphere with the mind blowing closing track We Swallow The Ocean the simplisticness of less is more is very prevelent at the intro with the slight presence of music with dual vocals layered on top of everything before venturing into very slow heavy sludgy progressions that keep building while seamlessly blending in leads that build to an epic crescendo until it closes out with some distressed sounding voice hidden behind a melancholic piano section which slowly closes out the opus beautifully.

  Overall this is a monstrous progession from their debut and leaves an extremely lasting impression, the more listens to this the more new elements you will notice ,the tension and atmosphere within this are at times suffocatingly heavy and the rhytmn sections crushes with a relentlessness that's full of beautifully crafted harmonies and melody, everyhting about this oozes quality of the highest standard making this an absolutely sublime offering which is definitely one of the best releases you're likely to hear this year not just in the Irish Scene but also far reaching.

RATING: 9/10

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Coroza "As Within" Album Review

  For the better part of 5 years the absolutely brilliant Cork Progressive Sludge/Post Metal Merchants Coroza have been dilligently crafting the highly anticipated folow up to their excellent debut Chaliceburner and recently they dropped the absolutely earth shaking masterpiece As Within,this is nothing short of monumental so lets get into the finer details of this sublime offering.

  Straight away the crushing wall of sound on Myrrh hits like a sledgehammer ,the twist and turns throughout this track are at times mind numbing,while been treated to some doom laden groovy riffs the bass and drums lay down a rhytnm foundation that crushes like a wrecking ball then you layer the soaring and abrasive vocals on top of that ,there's also plenty of atmosphere to create this wall of sound, from the beginning of Immersed there's a relentless black metal type riff  with those trademark abrasive vocals which last almost a minute before going into some calm and atmospheric interlude that creates a melancholic aura ,yet another added twist is some clean vocals that are like some dream sequence before launching into an absolute riff fest of crushing heaviness.



   The brilliant instrumental The Shifting Sands is like some dreamy sequences that brings you through some sort of psychedelic trip,while combining really fuzzed out stoner grooves there's a seamless blend with brilliantly executed progessive riffing,the drumming on this is almost hypnotic which adds yet another element to the overall sound.


  The twist keep on coming when they launch into the phenomenal Scorched Earth the twin vocals add more depth and atmosphere and once again the drumming drives and pushes the boundaries to even more unpredictable twists and turns, closing track As Within shows some mind blowing progressive elements while still maintaining the overall atmosphere created on the previous tracks, that trademark wall of sound that they execute so easily reaches an even higher level then before and creates an absolutely monumental crescendo to end this flawless offering.

  Not often would i usually say an album is absolute perfection but on the very rare occasion it becomes very hard not to say so,Coroza have created an absolute masterpiece with As Within,5 songs of the utmost perfection,and while there is alot of twists and turns and plenty of depth and atmosphere to the album there is a structured unpredictablity that keeps you guessing what direction you're going to be taken on next,this is for all intense purposes a monumetal materpiece of epic proportions with absolutely no flaws.



Tuesday 2 July 2024

Atlantic "Black Sands" EP Review

 located on the West Coast of Ireland  the brilliant Post Metal/Atmospheric Black Metal solo project Atlantic takes inpiration form the cruel and treacherous conditions of the atlantic ocean to deliver an absolutely stellar brand of Atmospheric Black Metal, following on from the debut demo Torrents with the sublime new EP Black Sands .

 Instantly the atmosphere on Waves set a tone both epic and full of feeling,the combination of  peak post metal brilliance with a somewhat treacherous aura prevelent within the vocal delivery,there's alot of soundscapes that evoke a feeling of  solitude and time away from civilaisation, the gradual build throughout To Exist(Exit) creates a soundscape both epic and melancholic ,the rawness and melody of the guitars, the vocals have an abrasivenss which gives the overall feeling a touch of aggressiveness while still maintaining that beautiful atmosphere



   The atmosphere begins to get a little more dark and dreary with the extremely melancholic The Grey this really captures the whole essences within this release,you can hear subtle elements of doominess combinedwith  a dreariness while still staying true to the atmosphere already prevelent,this time we're treated to some clean vocals that feel like you're being brought through some sort of journey into unknown plains, there's epicness abound on the closing track Outro-Rememberance the build on this is a truly is truly magnificient that takes you on many twist and turns while journewying through soundscapes that have both a calm and treacherous atmosphere,this is possibly the best way to close this EP out.

  Overall Black Sands is a massive progression from the Torrents demo,and sets about creating soundscapes full of atmosphere,bleakness,epicness,nostalgia and treachery while drawing inspiration from the atlantic ocean,this really ticks all the right boxes in what it set out to achieve and portray to the listener,it may take numerous listens for this to really hit home with you but it has plenty worthwhile to grab your attention.



Wednesday 26 June 2024

Shackled to The Throne "Death Before Dishonour" EP Review

  Hailing From Edmonton Canada, the brilliant new Metalcore/Melodeath outfit Shackled To The Throne combine melody,haeviness and catchy hooks with a beautifully crafted atmospheres and emotions, they've been working dilligently for the better part of 18 months and despite some line up changes the have delivered a stellar debut EP in Death Before Dishonour, let's get into the finer details on offer here.

  The tone for what's to come is instantly set on the sublime intro of opening track Tapestry Of Our Lives which hits with brilliantly structured melodic guitar passage that have peak 90's Melodic Death Metal, the clean vocals add a really emotional atmosphere before switching to the abrasive vocals which add plenty of passion to the track, title track Death Before Dishonour delves into even more melodic tendencies that are both relentless and full of passion,another thing to note is these interlude bits with keyboards present are hinting are a subtle progessive edge. when the first riffs hits on With Blinded Eyes i instantly think Slaughter of The Souls era At The Gates,this one continously delivers razor sharp riffing with aggression and a dissecting lead and rhytmn section that really shows a technical efficiency that adds even more faucets to their overall repetoire.

 Things get alot more emotionally tinged on Rust(Fading Lines) this is like a tortured ballad that has the hallmarks that scream of an "emo" anthem,delivering thought provoking lyrics with plenty of heartfelt emotion and some memorable clean vocal passsages ,this has a really relatable theme that harks of lost love and good friends who drag you out of the darkness, closing track See The World In Grey is possibly the heaviest song on offer here but also one of the catchiest on this quality release,while having that trademark seamless lead and rhytmn section the trade-off vocals add plenty of harmony and a subtle homage to Children Of Bodom running thought the song,this was a wise decision to have this finish the EP as i ticks every box this band set out to do.

 This is definitely a release worth your undivided attention,if you like modern Metal with hints of Melodic Death,a passion and atmosphere that will take you soaring heights  of emotion and true heartfelt passages that are both memorable and relatable,the seamless melding of lead and rhytmn sections is an absolute thing of beauty with both heaviness and  harmony,do not sleep on this absolutely sublime offering from Shackled From The Throne,this may well be the beginning of something truly memorable,so come and join the rollercoaster.

RATING: 8/10


Thursday 13 June 2024

Lock Horns "Red Room" Album Review

  Six years on from their excellent debut album Molon Labe Progressive Metal Force Lock Horns finally unleashed their highly anticipated second album Red Room,this is a monstrous step up form the much loved debut offering ,this is full of mind bending unpredictable brilliance that will leave you speechless.

 The absolute cacophony of mindfucks commences with the brilliant The Origin Of Evil Impulses not confined to one specific genre you can hear industrial elements layered with Progressive undertones,the seamless progessive between clean and abrasive vocals adds plenty of depth and feeling to this track, mixed with aggressive vocals and punchy rhytmns Rust packs an absolutely devastating punch leaving you even more disorientated , the madness continues to evolve with the mind blowing Skin and Bones, the punishing brutality within this track is at times mind blowing,you can literally feel the anger and lack of control through the vocal delivery.

 The relentless power and speed of Lab Rat takes the mind boggling consequences to even more disturbing levels, lyrically and musicially this sounds like some gone wrong botched experiment were control and the lack thereof seem to have a sense of duality through manipulation and coerciveness, we're treated to some absolutely soaring interludes with the phenomenal Impressions Of a Dream the groove and time signatures are something to behold on this and the soaring vocal deliveries give a whole new dimension to the overall them within the album,there is a beauty invloved to all the lack of control and it's executed magnificiently by the band.

 The rip roaring relentlessness of The Golden Mean delivers a short sharp shock to the sense leaving a trail of destruction in it's wake,this one is full of progressive riff gymnastics,the drumming is executed with razor sharp precision and the deranged vocals leave the perfect desired effect, closing track Expressions Of Madness is full of slow heavy grooves that leave a sense of unnerving insanity and a dread that's ready to crush the senses into oblivion.

  Lock Horns leave no cross unturned on this absolutely mind blowing release.although short in length Red Room ticks all the right boxes ,the whole theme of control and the lack thereof really hits home with devastating consequences,for all the superlatives alot of people have been saying about this the anticipation and hype is 100% real,this is a modern masterpiece and a definite contender for Album of The Year.

  RATING: 9.5/10


Tuesday 11 June 2024

Acid Age "Live In Belfast" Album Review

   The beginning of 2023 brought about a few significent events that would change the landscape for the incomparable war jazz merchants Acid Age, around the start of February would see them have their 10th anniversary and was that an experience in itself,what would happen after is the band entered Metal 2 The Masses a few short weeks after and a few months later what still seems surreal they would be announced as the winners which resulted in them performing at Bloodstock, their live shows are something to behold,if you haven't witnessed that madness you reallt are missing out, eventually by the tail end of the year they would record their first ever live album aptly titled Live In Belfast during a live set in The Limelight 2 on 29th December,this release contains select favourites from their phenomenal Semper Pessimus album and some cracking unreleased tracks that will be on next years Perilous Compulsion album.lets delve into this absolutely superlative offering.

 Kicking things off with the Nero-Claudius inspired The Burning Of Rome, this tracks seems to be a template in their live sets and is an absolutely monstrous song full of twist and turns and always goes down a treat, the first taste of what they have in store in the future comes in the guise of the asbsolute rifftastic Revenge For Sale this combines relentless speed with a technicality that is fitting to their wacky sound and time signatures,those familar with the band know full well there's always some sort of hilarity or comedic value,this is a common theme at any of their live shows and as always Jude comes up with some anecdote to get the crowd more invloved and part of the whole experience.


    Possibly one of my favourite newer songs is the stonkingly heavy Third Eye Locksmith the groove throughout this is possibly one of the heaviest i've heard in a long time,as can be expected with their trademark wackiness the song goes in all sort of directions leaving a feeling of disorientation with each passing second, yet another new song and like the previous two Every Cliche  will also be another one on the upcoming Perilous Compulsion,this track has the most insanely fast riffing that leads to all sort of mind bending time signatures,within it's base this is a definitive Thrash Metal anthem but you have a bit of Jazz Fusion incorporated into mix,the bassline in this is shockingly heavy and levels the senses like a wrecking ball, there's yet more getting the crowd invloved anecdotes before setting an unstoppable blaze with the rip roaring My Wretched Womb, the absolute madcap wackiness of this songs always puts a smile on my face,the combined elements of jazz fusion,black and death metal all layered on top of a technical thrash nuances is seriously mind blowing and is something that sets this band apart from your traditional Thrash or Death Metal acts.

 Acid Age have really stepped up their game in the last few years with one of the best albums within the Irish scene in the last 5 years,their live shows have become the stuff of legend,people literally don't know how to think or react to the levels of technical ability that they're witnessing,also the fact that they're going to be gracing their presence at Bloodstock Festival for the second year in a row by opening up the whole festival on the Sophie Lancaster Stage is no fluke, the new songs on this live offering are a taste of the lethal dose of  what to expect on their highly anticipated upcoming opus Perilous Compulsion, this release is an awful lot of fun to listen to from one of the most underrated bands out there today, do yourself a favour and go listen to this band.

RATING: 9.5/10